The forces of humanity

What awaits the player in our game They Came to Feed! Beware...

Sails: Red Boat

So this is the first painted picture for my spare time project called "Sails". An action game with... you guessed it: boats!

Fleet fighter render

Compression is terrible, but at least you can see it. I'm really satisfied with how this model baked. Added the wings in the back instead of the flaps over the engines. I think it makes sense (and saved me alot of time, instead of modelling the engines). It lacks any cool specularity at the moment, but that'll be soon also.


The player character for the school project Feed Me!

Fleet fighter

This ship is also for the strategy space war game

Feed me!

A compilation of some of the pictures I produced for a school project assignment. It's about an alien invasion of earth by giant meat eating plants during the 50's. I'll post pictures of the plants soon also.

Spaceship sketch

Working on a strategic space war game in school - this is a designs for one of the smaller fighters. focusing on the four guns in the front - they should also deploy like a spider, although it is not in this picture(need to fix that)

Work samples

Applying for a work drawing various animals, so I showed them some animal studies